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Fair Food Network is a national nonprofit and investor focused on growing community health, wealth, and resilience through food. We transform how resources flow through the food economy, driving a fairer and more resilient future. Through policy advocacy, partnerships, and investments in local food economies, we’re building a world where everyone has access to healthy choices, economic opportunity, and resilient food and agriculture for us all.
We focus on three interconnected impact areas, each of which starts with food:
Our approach is designed to create immediate community impact and long-term systems change. Three key strategies inform everything we do:
We invest in local food organizations and businesses that provide their communities with nourishment, economic opportunity, and environmental stewardship.
We build collaborative relationships that strengthen our collective capacity and impact.
We champion policies that bring proven, restorative solutions to scale across the United States.
We transform how resources flow through the food economy for a more fair and resilient future. Our efforts are currently focused in two core programs: nutrition incentives and impact investing.
We build and support nutrition incentives that expand healthy food choices and spark economic opportunity.
SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) is the largest federal investment in our food and farming systems; the program distributes more than $80 billion dollars a year. We work to ensure that those dollars provide fresh, locally grown food options for communities across the country.
We support the success of food entrepreneurs by providing catalytic capital and comprehensive business services. Our investments prioritize individuals who are often overlooked by traditional investors, especially those from communities historically impacted by systemic inequities. Together, we’re working to build a more inclusive economy.