Farmers Markets & Grocery Stores
A statewide coalition of 50+ partners received more than $497,000 in 2016 FINI funding to launch Double Up Food Bucks statewide. In 2017, LiveWell Colorado received additional FINI funding in partnership with Fair Food Network to expand Double Up into Lowe’s grocery stores and launch mobile processing technology at select farmers markets and grocery stores. LiveWell Colorado received a 2018 FINI award to support an expansion of the program in corner stores and increase connections among local farmers and retail partners. This year, Double Up Colorado will be active at a total of 96 sites, including 45 farmers markets and other retail outlets such as corner stores, grocers, CSAs, and urban farm stands. Double Up Colorado is a public-private partnership led by LiveWell Colorado with strong support from Colorado Department of Human Services, the Colorado Farmers Market Association, Cooking Matters-Colorado, Boulder County Public Health, among others.
USDA FINI Award: $1,000,008 (2016); $988,402 (2018); Supported through Fair Food Network’s 2017 FINI Award
Lead Organization: LiveWell Colorado