
Farmers Markets & Grocery Stores

Double Up launched at farmers markets in Arizona in 2016 supported by a FINI award. In 2018, partners secured a second FINI award to expand Double Up to more farmers markets, farm stands, food banks, mobile markets, and CSA sites as well as select grocery stores across the state. The program will reach an estimated 50,000 SNAP recipients including families in underserved communities near the Mexico border as well as the Tohono O’odham, Hopi, and Navajo Nation American Indian communities. More than 14 percent of the state’s population lives at or below the federal poverty line. This project is made possible through the collaborative work of more than 20 different funding and program partners who contributed both FINI matching funds and in-kind donations.

USDA FINI Award: $777,659 (2016); $1,946,100 (2018)
Lead Organization: Pinnacle Prevention