Farm Bill Field Hearing May 2017
Fair Food Network was invited to provide testimony at the second public hearing on the 2018 farm bill held May 6, 2017 in Frankenmuth, Michigan.
Led by ranking member Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. with Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., the listening session featured 16 witnesses. Together they represented the diversity of Michigan food and agriculture, from specialty crop growers in Western Michigan, to turkey farmers, and a SNAP recipient who noted that food stamps were a “lifeline we didn’t know we’d need.”
Our testimony message was clear: Healthy food incentives work and Congress should reauthorize the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive program established in 2014 Farm Bill.
See Fair Food Network’s full written testimony, which spotlights the power of healthy food incentives citing impact from Double Up programs nationwide.